Why CloudMonitor?

We do things a bit differently compared to the other cloud cost management tools on the market:

Your cost data stays inside of your organization

Cost data is highly sensitive and confidential. Other tools extract your data and give you access to their SaaS app. With CloudMonitor, you own your cost analytics and it lives in your Azure cloud.

CloudMonitor How it works image 1 • Cost Optimization
Cost by group | Complex billing and breakdowns

Map your Business Units/Projects to flexible Cost Groups

Allocating costs and chargeback is essential and it needs to be done by Business Unit or Cost Centre. CloudMonitor uses native Cost Groups (i.e, no tagging) as logical groupings of costs by business function.

Extend the solution with Open-sourced Power BI Reports

Our reports cover most cost scenarios; however, they can easily be extended to bring in additional data points. This adaptability ensures that as your business needs evolve, you can extend and customize the reports to seamlessly align with your business requirements and IT spend reporting needs.

Executive Summary • Cost Optimization
Microsoft Marketplace • Cost Optimization

Easier procurement & security clearance with Microsoft Marketplace

Stay on the freemium version or purchase your CloudMonitor subscription directly from Microsoft in the Azure Marketplace. As a Microsoft Certified Preferred Solution, there are no 3rd party vendor contracts, SOWs or procurement headaches.

Add accountability to your Development workflow from Day 1

Cost and security need to be considered as non-functional requirements during development. The CloudMonitor Bot alerts and educates your Dev team during your project so costs are not an afterthought for the Production Ops team.

CloudMonitor Features

Download CloudMonitor and find out how much you can save on your cloud costs

CloudMonitor logo - Azure Cost Optimization and Cost Management
Connect Power BI Reporting adn Analytics Engine

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