Aprill 2024 Release – New CloudMonitor FinOps Reports

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The CloudMonitor April release is now live on the Azure Marketplace.

New Reports

  • Microsoft 365 User Activity with Licenses
  • Microsoft 365 Mailbox Usage & Activity
  • Microsoft 365 Groups
  • Microsoft Product Licenses
  • Cost Savings Report
  • Recently Created Resources
  • Virtual Machine Licenses
  • Costs by Tags Chart

New Features

  • Show costs by Virtual Tag
  • New M365 Usage Analytics KPIs

New FinOps Reports

Microsoft 365 User Activity with Licenses

Introducing the ‘User Activity’ feature in our FinOps reports. This new tool helps you see how users are interacting with your operations. It specifically helps you identify inactive users who should be off-boarded and find disabled user accounts that still have costly licenses assigned. This can help you reduce unnecessary expenses. Below, you’ll find an example that shows you how to spot these users.

Microsoft 365 Mailbox Usage

Gain a clear understanding of your organization’s email activity with our ‘Mailbox Usage’ report. This report highlights both active and inactive accounts, along with their storage usage, assisting you in making informed decisions about where to allocate storage resources. Additionally, monitor M365 Mailboxes to identify accounts that require more space or are underutilized. Below, we provide a guide on how to detect accounts that are approaching their storage limit.

Microsoft 365 Groups

The ‘Groups’ report under Microsoft 365 provides you an understanding of the requirement of existence of each group within the organization and helps you efficiently manage operations. It provides visibility into active groups with members, identifies groups needing assigned owners, and offers crucial information for monitoring created groups.

Microsoft 365 Product Licenses

The ‘Product Licenses’ report helps you understand and manage your organization’s Microsoft 365 license spending. It gives you a clear view of all the licenses you’ve purchased and highlights any that are not being used. You can then easily remove or reassign these unused licenses to ensure you’re using your resources wisely and saving costs where possible.

Cost Savings Report

Check out our new ‘Cost Savings’ report to help track the savings achieved by implementing CloudMonitor recommendations. This report not only shows the savings from each product or category, but also provides the justification needed for your FinOps team and demonstrates the business value. Below, we offer an example to help you understand the monthly savings of a business unit.

Recently Created Resources

The ‘Recently Created’ resources report enables you to quickly identify the newly created resources in your organization or business unit and verify if they comply with your organization’s standards or policies.

Virtual Machines (VM) Licenses

Manage your organization’s virtual machine (VM) licensing costs, a significant expense in IaaS. Costly VM licenses often result from lift-and-shift migrations. Our report helps you understand how much you have spent on each license and the resources connected to them, identifying opportunities for optimization and cost savings in your cloud or IT infrastructure. This information is crucial for optimizing costs and making informed decisions about which licenses to retain.

Cost by Tags (Chart)

Visualize the cost of each resource by using tags for easy billing and reporting. Organizations can easily tag their departments with this report to compare and analyze the costs of each department, which will help optimize investments effectively. The example below shows how to compare costs between different environments, such as development and production.

New Feature: MoM Variance - Show by Virtual Tag

Enable your business units to monitor their month-on-month variance by Tag. This feature allows each unit to see how their costs fluctuate over time. For example, consider if your PROD Environment costs have increased recently. If so, you can simply click on it to drill down into the specific changes. This detailed view helps you identify what is driving the cost increases, whether it’s due to new resources added or changes in usage. Understanding these factors is key to effectively managing and optimizing your cloud spending.

CloudMonitor has a free, 1-month trial with no restrictions. This enables you to see how it solves your FinOps challenges and gives cost visibility to your organization without the need for IT. 

Rodney Joyce

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