Cloud Usage Optimization Domain

At its core, this Domain answers the question: How can we change what we’re using and when we’re using it in the cloud to better meet our organizational goals?

This Domain involves predictive rightsizing of resources, aligning workloads with the correct number of scaling resources, turning off resources when not in use, and using other techniques to manage resources efficiently.

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The organization focuses on identifying and adjusting running cloud resources based on the actual demand of the workloads in this domain. The work involves predictive rightsizing of resources, aligning workloads with the correct number of scaling resources, turning off resources when not in use, and using other techniques to manage resources efficiently.

The Usage Optimization domain contains a set of capabilities aimed at closely matching our workload needs to the cloud services we use at any given time. The variable use model of the cloud enables us to maximize the value we provide to our business by using the right resources, in the right size, only when we need them to produce business value.

At its core, this Domain answers the question: How can we change what we’re using and when we’re using it in the cloud to better meet our organizational goals?

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