Intersection of FinOps & Security Capability

By aligning FinOps data and cost management with robust security practices, organizations can ensure not only fiscal responsibility but also maintain a strong security posture.

But as financial institutions keep using technology and digital data processing more and more, data security has become a top priority. Institutions are vulnerable to cyberattacks, data breaches, and other security threats because they deal with so much financial data. Because of this, financial institutions need to make sure that their FinOps operations are both effective and safe.

CloudMonitor features related to the Intersection of FinOps & Security

FinOps Security Dashboard

Security Dashboard

The Secure Score KPI shows you your cloud security posture at a glance across all resources.

The quickest wins to improve your Secure Score are shown first – clicking on a recommendation will give more detail on the cost/benefit.

Once these are remediated the dashboard will update with the new Secure Score.

User group Role Permissions

Usage and cost data is highly senstive. CloudMonitor uses a standard User group/Role permissions structure to ensure that FinOps teams only see the cost data for business units they have been added to.

The Cost Group owner can choose the role for each member added to the Cost Group and whether they can view the Admin App or just the FinOps Reports.

Cost Group User Role Security Members
FinOps Security Recommendations

Security Recommendations

CloudMonitor surfaces Security Recommendations from 2 places: Azure Advisor and CloudMonitor’s own Analytics engine.

Attack threats are shown in the Security Recommendations report and sent to the resource Owner in real-time via the Teams Bot.

Intersection of FinOps & Security Capability Definition

The intersection of FinOps (Financial Operations) and Security represents a critical convergence in today’s digitized business landscape. As organizations increasingly migrate to the cloud, optimizing their financial expenditure on cloud resources becomes essential; this is where FinOps comes in, enabling businesses to bring financial accountability to the variable spend model of cloud. However, as cloud adoption grows, so does the potential threat surface for cyber-attacks. Integrating security into FinOps ensures that while businesses strive for cost efficiency, they do not compromise on securing their data and infrastructure. 

By aligning cost management with robust security practices, organizations can ensure not only fiscal responsibility but also maintain a strong security posture. This blend of FinOps and Security is becoming a cornerstone for businesses that wish to be both agile in their operations and uncompromising in their security standards.

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