6 Strategies for Effective Cloud Cost Management

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Cloud cost management, often referred to as cloud cost optimization, is crucial for businesses seeking to maximize their return on investment in cloud technologies and bolster operational efficiency. 

Given the dynamic nature of cloud resources, achieving comprehensive visibility and enforcing decisive policies about cloud costs can be challenging. A structured cloud cost management strategy can equip organizations with the foresight to anticipate future consumption and expenses tied to cloud services.

As a growing number of companies adopt multi-cloud strategies, incorporating cost management measures that consider multiple public cloud providers is increasingly essential. 

Here are six strategies businesses can leverage to manage their cloud expenditures effectively:

1. Establish Budget Controls

First and foremost, businesses should define clear budgets for cloud services. By setting a specific spending limit for each project, teams become more conscious of their resource usage and work within established financial constraints.

2. Opt for Right-Sizing

Often, cloud resources are over-provisioned and under-utilized. By right-sizing, businesses can match the provision of compute instances, storage volumes, and other services to their actual needs. This approach can result in substantial cost savings.

3. Implement Autoscaling

By dynamically adjusting resources in line with application demand, autoscaling ensures that businesses only pay for extra cloud resources during periods of peak usage. This strategy optimizes costs by eliminating unnecessary expenditures during off-peak hours.

4. Schedule Resource Usage

Not all cloud services need to be running 24/7. Businesses can set schedules to shut down services when they’re not required. For instance, services utilized by a U.S.-based team could be scheduled to shut down outside U.S. business hours.

5. Detect and Delete Unused Resources

Over time, cloud deployments can accumulate unused resources, including compute instances, storage volumes, load balancers, and snapshots. Regularly scanning the cloud environment for these redundant resources and deleting them can result in significant cost savings.

6. Apply Discounts Wisely

Discounted pricing models like reserved and spot instances can significantly reduce cloud costs if utilized correctly. It’s important to understand which applications and workloads are best suited for these discounted price models.

These strategies, when deployed judiciously, can aid organizations in achieving efficient cloud cost management. While multi-cloud deployments can complicate cost management, incorporating these strategies into the organizational framework can lead to improved budgetary control and optimized cloud spending.

Try our live demo to discover CloudMonitor, as a FinOps Certified  member, can help your organization in saving money on cloud cost spending. 

Rodney Joyce

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