Evaluating CloudMonitor and CloudHealth: Which Suits Your Business Better?

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In the dynamic realm of cloud computing, visibility and control over your cloud costs can make the difference between optimizing resources or draining budgets. It’s essential to have a robust cloud cost management tool to navigate this landscape effectively. Two such tools that have garnered significant attention in recent times are CloudMonitor and CloudHealth.

These platforms provide an array of features aimed at enabling organizations to monitor, manage, and optimize their cloud costs more efficiently. But how do they stack up against each other when it comes to handling reporting, cost anomalies, and alerts? In this blog post, we’ll dive into a comparative analysis of CloudMonitor and CloudHealth, scrutinizing their approaches to these three critical aspects of cloud cost monitoring. Strap in for an enlightening exploration of these two leading tools in the cloud cost management space.


Underpinning CloudMonitor’s approach is a deep understanding of the need for visibility in cost management. It has therefore designed its application into ten distinct sections, each housing multiple reports. CloudMonitor provides an expansive array of reports that offer insights into various aspects of your cloud spending. These reports can be fine-tuned by applying filters on subscription, resource group, tags, and time, allowing for an unmatched degree of granularity and control. As CloudMonitor is open-source, the power is truly in your hands. You have the freedom to customize existing reports or create entirely new ones to match your unique requirements. Adding to its usability is CloudMonitor’s focus on design, which results in a highly intuitive and user-friendly interface that makes navigation through reports a breeze.

On the other hand, CloudHealth puts its resources into a comprehensive suite of predefined reports aimed at delivering superior cloud management visibility. Its Cost Summary Report is designed for administration purposes, allowing users to generate cost reports that can be customized according to organizational units such as groups, departments, and project owners. This assists in aligning with budgets and managing costs for services. The Health Check Report provides a snapshot of potential cost-saving opportunities alongside an overview of cloud governance and security risks. Moreover, CloudHealth’s FlexReports brings a high degree of flexibility to data analysis. Users can scrutinize their cloud provider bill based on any variable, with the power to define the evaluation criteria themselves.

Cost Anomalies

In dealing with cost anomalies, CloudMonitor employs a comprehensive approach, organizing all identified irregularities on a report named ‘Cost Anomalies’. It classifies anomalies into three categories: ‘Unread’ for newly detected issues, ‘Postponed’ for anomalies deemed less urgent and slated for later review, and ‘Dismissed’ for anomalies that have already been addressed or dismissed. Additionally, users can leverage various filters such as date, cost group, and subscription to pinpoint specific anomalies. What sets CloudMonitor apart is its capability to drill down to each resource that might have contributed to the anomaly, providing users with a detailed analysis.

On the other hand, CloudHealth addresses anomalies through its dedicated feature, CloudHealth Anomaly Detection. It handles anomalies by dividing them into three stages: ‘Active Anomaly’, ‘Inactive Anomaly’, and ‘Archived Anomaly’. An ‘Active Anomaly’ is an ongoing anomaly that still exists within the system, while an ‘Inactive Anomaly’ represents an anomaly that has already run its course and now lies dormant. ‘Archived Anomaly’ refers to anomalies that can no longer be acted upon due to a change in the billing cycle by the cloud provider. Just like CloudMonitor, CloudHealth also allows users to drill down to the individual resources potentially causing the anomaly, helping pinpoint the root cause of the issue.


CloudMonitor provides robust alerting capabilities via the CloudMonitor Teams Bot. This integration ensures that alerts are dispatched directly to a Teams channel, providing real-time notifications for team members. The alerts from CloudMonitor primarily revolve around Cost anomalies and Recommendations, ensuring that the users are constantly informed of any deviations in their cloud spending patterns or opportunities for cost optimizations.

CloudHealth, on the other hand, supports a wider variety of notification channels for sending alerts, including Email, Slack, and webhooks. This flexibility ensures that users can receive critical updates in the medium most convenient for them. The alerts in CloudHealth come in two forms: Real-Time and Summary. Real-Time alerts are designed to notify users immediately when certain defined thresholds or conditions are met. On the other hand, Summary alerts provide a consolidated view of events over a specified period, offering a broader picture of the cloud environment’s state.

Wrapping up

While both CloudMonitor and CloudHealth offer sophisticated reporting mechanisms with data filtration options, CloudMonitor gains an upper hand due to its open-source nature. It provides a larger suite of report types, contributing to an enhanced visibility into cloud costs. The open-source characteristic of CloudMonitor empowers users to extend or customize the existing reports, or even create new ones, thus providing unparalleled flexibility.

When it comes to handling cost anomalies, both CloudMonitor and CloudHealth exhibit proficiency, albeit with distinct approaches. While CloudMonitor integrates anomaly detection into a specific page within its platform, CloudHealth dedicates an entire feature solely for this purpose. Both tools grant the ability to drill down to individual resources contributing to anomalies, facilitating root cause analysis. However, the interface provided by CloudMonitor for this purpose tends to be more user-friendly and intuitive.

Alerting capabilities are paramount for a cloud cost management tool and both platforms, CloudMonitor and CloudHealth, acknowledge this fact. While CloudMonitor offers alerts through a Teams channel, CloudHealth outdoes this by providing integrations with a broader range of platforms. This expands the scope of alerting, ensuring that important notifications reach the right stakeholders via their preferred platforms.

While we’ve delved into three key facets of cloud management tools in this article, these aspects alone aren’t sufficient to conclusively determine which tool stands superior. There are many other elements to consider for a comprehensive evaluation. To give you a more hands-on experience and further insight into CloudMonitor, we’ve arranged a live demo account for you. We invite you to explore it firsthand by simply clicking here.

Rodney Joyce

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